Posted on: 7 November 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Hindu Castes and Sects: An exposition of the origin of the Hindu Caste System and the bearing of the Sects towards each other and towards other religious systems.
By Jogendra Nath Bhattacharya
Published by Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta - 1896

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From Mrs. Sophia Charlotte Belnos's celebrated work "The Sundhya or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins".
Published by Day & Son, London, 1851.

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" অনেক কিছু জানার আছে ..."

Interesting. I downloaded the document and read a bit - just a few pages. The doc seems to be over 700 page long.

Thanks for the warning!

I am disappointed by the book. Its very supercial content to explain the origins For eg Brahmins are just classified in commonly known contemporary North and South Indian groups. Where do Gaurs come from, who are Saryuparin brahmins..that is telling origins. What is explained in the book is written from observations. Again the chapter of Rajputs is very superficial. To start with Rajput is not same as Kshatriya. Rajputs are primarily of western India's (Sind, Gujarat, Rajasthan) medivial Rajya Putra Sangha which consisted of mix breeds of Indo-Greeks, Meena kings, Bhils. Later they got priests to attest them as Kshatriyas (which is absolutely fine) and now its fashionable for all Kshatriyas to call themselves Rajputs partially out of ignorance and partially coz the term is most widely recognized thanks to well maintained Rajput royalties. Also there is no depth in dealing with individual clans like Rathores. Who are they, where they came from. They are indeed among those Rajputs who were originally Kshatriyas from awadh area, later came to Kannauj where Jaichand ruled last. Present Rathores and Rathods(Gujarat) are all descendants of Jaichands who migrated after Ghori forces attacked Kannauj and Jaichand got killed. Rathore got assimilated into the Rajput confederation, which developed over time primarily due to Islamic invasions. The book doesn't give this origin is just written from observation. Similar issues of lack of depth with other subjects. Not an authority or even a comprehensive commentary by any standards.

Mayank Kulshreshtha : Thanks...informative review !

I m glad you appreciate it