Posted on: 7 November 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The Mysore Tribes and Castes
By Diwan Bahadur L. Anantha Krishna Iyer
First published by Mysore University Press - 1935

An interesting history of the Christians in Mysore. It mentions that the first systematic attempt to convert in Mysore was made by the Dominicans at around 1325 AD !! And that in 1445 a Christian was the Dewan of Vijaynagar. Read more in the book...

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Image details : Christian converts under the instruction of Rev. J. Symonds, Madras - 1865 Group portrait of Indian converts standing in front of a building at Madras in Tamil Nadu from the Archaeological Survey of India Collections: India Office Series (Volume 46), taken in the 1860s by a photographer from the Madras School of Industrial Arts. Mission schools were important in India, particularly for the education of girls and women, for those who were at the lower end of the caste system and for technical education. The Imperial Gazetteer of India states, "Much assistance has been given to the cause of female education by mission schools and mission classes for home teaching. The promotion of education among children of the lowest castes, both male and female, is a matter of peculiar difficulty...[quoting Baines 'Report on Material and Moral Progress of India' (1891)] 'Special schools are therefore maintained where the excluded classes are of numerical importance and a great deal has been done in this way by Christian missionaries, who, especially in Madras, have made a special point of raising the status of what are conventionally, though, incorrectly, termed the outcast population.'...[regarding industrial schools] A few of the most important are managed by Government, some have been established by missionary societies or private benefactors. Many of the mission and private schools are aided by grants from public funds awarded on the results of industrial tests." Source : British Library

A huge and impressive colonial Church stands in mysore that explains a lot

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great photo!

Why the Rare Book Society always concerns about castes and cultures! Love to see someting on society & sicence also..........

Suvobrata Sarkar : There are over 2500 other posts covering all the subjects one can generally think of ! : )