Posted on: 23 October 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Nightmares Of Eminent Persons And Other Stories
By Bertrand Russell
Published by The Bodley Head, London - 1954

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Thanks RBSI for this enjoyable book!

Book Review : Sage at Play TIME - Aug. 08, 1955 In recent years Philosopher Bertrand Russell has taken to fiction, but fiction has not yet taken to Philosopher Russell. The reason is that when logicians with a sense of humor start toying with storytelling, their mighty brains behave like dancing elephants playing dancing mice. The fiction they write is more sophisticated than nursery rhymes but every bit as childish: only once in a blue moon does a logician like Lewis Carroll come along and succeed in transforming the kindergarten into Wonderland. Read more:,9171,807461,00.html#ixzz1baVjFevW

Hello !! wy i can see , only one pic at the time? after I see the total pics about 1500 or more ?

Jefferis Evans D'Angelis : FB has changed some settings. You can find all the 1570 photos in the 'Wall Photos Album'.

Thank's my friend!!