Posted on: 22 October 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Why Men Fight : A method of abolishing the international duel
By Bertrand Russel
Published by The Century Co., New York - 1917

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Image details : Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell by Lady Ottoline Morrell vintage snapshot print, 1920 2 1/2 in. x 1 7/8 in. (62 mm x 49 mm) image size Purchased with help from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Dame Helen Gardner Bequest, 2003 Source : National Portrait Gallery

Thanks RBSI! An important addition to my collection.

"If revolutionary France could have conquered the Continent and Great Britain, the world would now be happier, more civilized, and more free, as well as more peaceful." Nicolas Sarkozy would love this.

Ranajit Pal ...I normally am extremely loath to comment on any thread. esp . those where Westerners strut their stuff : have learned from very bitter experience to keep myself to myself.. But am quite in agreement..with what you have said. I 've read somewhere very recently, that the entire Libyan 'adventure' has been an extremely profitable enterprise - particularly for the French and the Brits. ( And of course the Yanks .) The French have demanded a 35 % share in the oil kitty of Libya their pound of flesh ..Would be very surprised if the Brits too, didn't hold out for a similar percentage ..

@ Ranjith Thomas: This is Bertrand Russell's statement taken from his book 'Why Men Fight', not mine. But what you say may be true but it is saddening.

... For those who might be in danger of allowing their own moral 'high-horse' to run away with them, I forward the following article, that details connections between India and the Libyan oil industry: Both the French government and the new 'provisional' authority in Tripoli have denied any explicit 'deal' (35 % or otherwise) regarding the division of future oil revenues ~ however, the oil fields will need considerable investment and technical expertise to bring them back to pre-war capacity and to increase operations in the future ~ it is unrealistic to expect that Western companies will not be interested in providing such assistance, likewise, it is unrealistic to expect such companies to involve themselves in activities that they do not believe will yield substantial long-term profits... Further details, as below:

Ranajit Pal...yes I did note the point ..and of course it is saddening .

I think Peter Ehlers posted some more videos on Gaddafi's end.

Having painted Gaddafi as a mad-dog and considering that most of us accepted it.. it was just a matter of waiting till they got the opportune moment to step in. They got rid of an intractable brute and put another pack o' brutes in. Of course its unrealistic to expect that oil will not bring the 'sharks' swarming in.An absolutely unadulterated setup.