Posted on: 16 October 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Mu'in al-arvah (Biography of Moinuddin Chishti)
By Jahan-ara Begum
Translated by Muhammad Abdul Samad Kalim
Published by Dihli Matba Rizawi, Delhi - 1891
In Urdu

Jahanara Begum Sahib (April 2, 1614 – September 16, 1681) was the eldest daughter of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal.

Together with her brother Dara Shikoh she was a disciple of Mullah Shah Badakhshi, who initiated her into the Qadiriyya Sufi order in 1641. Jahanara Begum made such progress on the Sufi path that Mullah Shah would have named her his successor in the Qadiriyya, but the rules of the order did not allow this.[5]

She wrote a biography of Moinuddin Chishti, the founder of the Chishtiyah order, titled "Mu’nis al-Arwāḥ", as well as a biography of Mullah Shah, titled Risālah-i Ṣāḥibīyah, in which she also described her initiation by him.[11] Her biography of Moinuddin Chishti is highly regarded for its judgment and literary quality. In it she regarded him as having initiated her spiritually four centuries after his death, described her pilgrimage to Ajmer, and spoke of herself as a faqīrah to signify her vocation as a Sufi woman.

- Wiki

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Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti was from Seistan which was once a land of amity. It was also associated with Buddhism. The Islamic geographers termed Seistan and Zabulistan as Budaha. It is now a desert-like terrain but even during Alexander's time it was a very fertile land. It was a part of Sindh/Hind.

any writings of Dara Shikoh would also be greatly appriciated

this is what i was looking for but it's all in urdu... any translations? in hindi or english??

None available.



Sir Aurel Stein, one of the greatest antiquarians of all times, found a very ancient shrine at Kuh-e Khwaja in Seistan in 1916 which he labelled as Buddhist.The great importance of this find can be gauged from that Roman Ghirshman wrote the murals of Kuh-e Khwaja are the earliest examples of Buddhist art which predate Gandhara art. The nearby ancient site of Dahan-e Gholaman echoes the name of Gotama.

Lovely. Thanks so much for expanding my horizons.