Posted on: 12 October 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Jahangir and the Jesuits
By Father Fernao Guerreiro
Translated by C.H. Payne
Published by George Routledge & Sons, London - 1930

Image :
Jahangir holding a Globe atributed to Abu'l-Hasan : 1617

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Image details : LONDON- Curators of the National Portrait Gallery's new exhibition The Indian Portrait 1560-1860 - which opens on March 11th - will reveal a six-foot, seventeenth-century life-size portrait of the Emperor Jahangir which they claim is the largest painting to come from the Mughal empire. Jahangir holding a globe, dating from 1617, is opulently painted in gold and watercolour on cotton and includes relief jewellery. Apart from its appearance in an auction-house catalogue in 1995, the epic portrait now on view at the Gallery's exhibition has never previously been seen. Read more :