Posted on: 9 October 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism
By Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy
Illustrations in colour by Abanindro Nath Tagore and Nandalal Bose
Published by G.P.Putnam's Sons, New York - 1916

Let me illustrate by a single quotation the marvellous directness and sincerity of the social ethic to which the psychology of Buddhism affords its sanction : "Victory breeds hatred, for the conquered is unhappy."

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awesome addition! thanks!!

This is invaluable. Thank you.

Science in Europe found nurture in a culture dominated by Christianity. Judaism arguably thought of religion as a bribe to the heavenly powers for aid towards earthly success, and codified the Ten Commandments to ritualize this (bribe). Jesus gave the world the Sermon of the Mount, which held up the ideal of the Saint, who refuses to fight, and absolutely overcomes the individual will. Paul adopted of the fall of Adam as a fundamental deficiency inherited by mankind. Paul’s Doctrine of Original Sin (assertion of will) and Salvation (denial of will) is the essence of Christianity… In this sense, Buddhism is profounder than Christianity - destruction of will is the entirety of religion. In classical Buddhism (and arguably Hinduism), interpretation of the world is internal/intuitive, not external/intellectual. How will innovators, raised in the cultural soups of China and India, affect the evolution of thought as they participate more fully in this cross volley of free inquiry in the English language?

Anyone has info about Bodhidharman who is credited with founding of Zen.

Karthikeyan Thangaraj : Will post soon !

Karthikeyan Thangaraj : Many posts on Bodhidharma today !