Posted on: 1 October 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Wanderings in India and other sketches of life in Hindostan
By John Lang
Published by Routledge, Warne & Routledge , London - 1859

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This is going to be a real treat. Thank you!

The oft-quoted description of John Lang's is derived from a brief glimpse he had when Damodar momentarily put aside the curtain separating him from her. She maintained purdah when dealing with the British though not otherwise. " [The Rani was] a woman of about middle size .. [her face] must have been very handsome when she was younger and even now it had many charms .. The expression also was .. very intelligent. The eyes her particularly fine and the nose very delicately shaped. She was not very fair, though she was far from black .. her dress was plain white muslin, so fine in texture and drawn about her in such a way that the outline of her figure was plainly discernible - and a remarkably fine figure she had. What spoilt her was her voice. " - John Lang, Lakshmibai's lawyer. He also described her as 'stout but not too stout'. The criticism of her voice may well be a cultural thing. Indian sources describe her voice as melodious. Certainly even my relatively sympathetic ears can find the female Indian accent to be harsh when an Indian will find it beautiful. - Allen Copsey's site