Posted on: 26 September 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Indian Currency
By Henry Dunning Macleod
Published by Longmans, Green & Co., London - 1898

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Any good links on Indian currency after Independence?

Arjun, depends on what you are looking for. There is no comprehensive website on Indian currency, but here are a few links that you may find useful A very comprehensive banknote site including lots of Indian banknote images RBI site has some good info, including it's monthly bulletins, but it is hard to navigate Some nice discussions on this blog by noted Banknote collector Rezwan Razack Although heavy on pre-independence and other issues, couple of entries should be of interest - the entries on Gandhi notes and currency note press. The noted numismatist Dr.P.L.Giupta has many books to his credit, including one on Paper Money of India, which is an excellent read.

Balaji Murthy : Excellent links ! Thanks.

Rare Book Society of India and @Balaji: The currency design, especially the coins, has been recently changed, probably three times in the last decade or so. I was wondering why they keep changing it and if it happens so frequently anywhere else.

Ah! Coins! Sorry, I do not much keep with the coins. OTOH, if you talk about the paper currency, Gandhi series is the only major comprehensive redesign. There have changes to individual denominations over the years, most notably the Rs 10 note. The only other significant change has been the re-sizing of Rs 5, 10 and 100 to a smaller size in 1962.