Posted on: 23 September 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Psychology of the Stock Market
By George Charles Selden
Published by Ticker Publishing Co., New York - 1912

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that's really valueable gift for me !


Double wow !! so elegant

The sounds like a VERY interesting book!

Re: Stock & Markets Stumbled across the following passage a few weeks ago, whilst researching within old editions of 'The Times' (London) newspaper. I thought that it might interest/ amuse/ infuriate the members of the RBSI... " The news from India this morning caused the funds to open at a decline of a one and a quarter per cent, which was soon followed by increased heaviness. Bank Stock left off at 211 to 214 ; India Bonds and Exchequer bills 10s to 5s discount. The fortnight to elapse before the arrival of another mail will therefore be characterized by great anxiety and caution in all departments of business." ~ 'The Times' ~ 9th June 1857


The furniture, the timber board and the ticker tape machine in the picture are fabulous. Speed of communications have brought about a fabulous degree of information equality which makes making money through speculation difficult. Despite the "equality", ,efficient, markets are a theoretical, capitalist dream simply because equity capital is still provided by a handful of people and not all citizens. Current crisis in global economy is crying for a new market and capital theory.

It is a good read. Thanks!

Gd nt.