Posted on: 16 September 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The Story of Civilization : Our Oriental Heritage
By Will and Ariel Durant
Published by Simon & Schuster, New York - 1954
"...a veritable masterpiece !"

Many years ago, before the days of The Story of Philosophy, Will Durant planned to write a history of the 19th century. He started to work on it only to find that his subject could be understood only in terms of what had come before. His researches gradually led him into the formation of a plan for writing a history of all civilization, ancient and modern, Occidental and Oriental. His enthusiasm was further spurred by two trips around the world and particularly by an intensive study of the history of the Far East.

Here, then, is the first volume of this STORY OF CIVILIZATION, OUR ORIENTAL HERITAGE, complete in itself. Dr. Durant worked on it steadily from 1927 to 1932, and the book represents the third complete rewriting. OUR ORIENTAL HERITAGE deals first with the establishment of civilization and then takes up, not in rapid review but in rich and fascinating detail, the colorful, complex dramas of the Near East, India and her neighbors, and the Far East. The story is carried up to the present.

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His book The Story of Philosophy, written in 1926 is still my favorite..

Fifty years of writing a book may seem like a long period of authorship, but there is a lengthy work that took a full five decades to write. The book is The Story of Civilization, and the man was Will Durant. He was once called William James Durant. His pious French-Canadian mother had chosen the name in deference to one of Christ’s apostles, however, rather than out of respect (or even knowledge) of the famed American psychologist-philosopher. In time, the youth became a compromise of sorts; becoming an apostle for philosophy. Read more :

Are the other volumes of the 'Story of Civilization' available?