Posted on: 28 August 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The Life of Huien-Tsiang
By the Shamans Hwui-Li and Yen-Tsung
Translated by Samuel Beal
Published by Trubner & Co., London - 18881

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thank you, Incredibly original. as in Japan lots of artists have illustrated him this is surely Unique-each day we get Great Gifts through your Pages-Thank you- Please accept My Ko Taos----M.Bugi=

CHINESE BUDDHISM. A VOLUME OF SKETCHES, HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL. BY J. EDKINS, D.D. Author of " China's Place in Philology," "Religion in China," &c., &c. "It contains a vast deal of important information on the subject, such as is only to be gained by long-continued study on the spot." Athenceum. " Upon the whole, we know of no work comparable to it for the extent of its original research, and the simplicity with which this complicated system of philo- sophy, religion, literature, and ritual is set forth." British Quarterly Review. " The whole volume is replete with learning. ... It deserves most careful study from all interested in the history of the religions of the world, and expressly of those who are concerned in the propagation of Christianity. Dr. Edkins notices in terms of just condemnation the exaggerated praise bestowed upon Buddhism by recent English writers." .Record.