Posted on: 15 August 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Sedition Committee Report 1918
President - Sidney Arthur Taylor Rowlatt
Published by The Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta - 1918

Sir Sidney Arthur Taylor Rowlatt KC KCSI PC (20 July 1862 - 1 March 1945) was an English lawyer and judge, best remembered for his controversial presidency of the Rowlatt committee, a sedition committee appointed in 1918 by the British Indian Government to evaluate the links between political terrorism in India, especially Bengal and Punjab, and the German government and the Bolsheviks in Russia. The committee gave rise the Rowlatt Act, an extension of the Defence of India Act 1915.

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This is a complex topic. Anyone who stands against occupation, oppression, injustice and inequality is conveniently branded as a 'terrorist' today. In the eyes of others, he is a 'freedom fighter'. Thus the current freedom movements in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Chechnya and a few other places are violently suppressed by their oppressors. Perhaps it is the act of violence that transforms genuine freedom movements into acts of terrorism. By this definition, one wonders if the states themselves are not acting as terrorists. According to history books, the British colonialists considered George Washington to be a terrorist, while the American authors blame the British colonialists to have been terrorizing the American people. The same applies to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict today except that the Israelis are able to present their case to the world in King's English; the Palestinians cannot. Hence, we may look at the Rowlatt Act of 1918 with disdain today - but was it not justifiable in 1918? At that time, it must have appeared that the fate of India was sealed as a colony forever. The document in itself is an excellent piece of work but was it just is another matter.

This is the kind of perspectives I look forward to on the walls of RBSI ! Thanks Asad Ahmed.

a real rare book...a treasure for me...