Posted on: 2 July 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Mughal Land Revenue System
By Lanka Sundaram
Published by The Basheer Muslim Library, England - 1929

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Sushil: Actually Raja Todar Mal also started with the successors of Sher Shah Suri, and was later taken into service by Akbar as a very able administrator.

Were'nt the weights and measures standardised during Akbar's time including the 'Ilahi Gaj' and 'Kos minars' that were constructed during his reign.The efforts of the mamluke king Balban are noteworthy too.

When it comes to standardization of weights and scales, the important names are: Alauddin Khilji, Sher Shah Suri, Jalaluddin Akbar and finally the East India Company. Mirza Kushwaha might be confusing Alauddin Khilji with Balban (who is known mainly for his ruthless suppression of Mewatis and captured Mongols).

Asad uncle: Balban had introduced draconian laws to chop off the hands of those that weighed less !

something like the statute of Henry III from where the idiom 'baker's dozen' originated.