Posted on: 11 June 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Location of Lanka
By Sirdar M.V. Kibe
Published by Manohar Mahdeo Kelkar, Poona - 1947

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Thanks to Amita Roy for suggesting this rather unusual book.

..."RIDDLES of the Ramayana, like those of the Mahabharata are many and varied, and what is more, they are likely to remain so for ever. Attempting their solution or trying to interpret them is an ideal pastime for scholars and reasearch students. Sardar M. V. Kibe places before us in the following pages, his solution of one of the many riddles of the Ramayana : the identification of Lanka. Popular belief is so strong that it is almost axiomatic to associate the island fortress of Ravana with modern Ceylon. Few scholars have differed from the belief and among themselves, differed very widely. It is not sur- prising to find that Australia, Sumatra, the Maldivs and a place in Assam have been mentioned as possible sites of the Lanka of the Ramayana, As against all these, Sardar Kibe's stand is entirely different. He has proved with convincing arguments that the Lanka of Ravana was not beyond the southern tip of the Indian peninsula, but on the contrary, in the heart of Hindustan near the Amarakantaka peak in the Central Provinces of to-day. His arguments are based on data marshalled out from the Sanskrit text of Valmiki Ramayana. Other scholars have expressed the same view independently and produced additional evidence."...

great to see! I've been looking for this theory!