Posted on: 29 May 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
By Gustave Le Bon
Published by T.Fisher Uwin, London - 1903

Gustave Le Bon (7 May 1841, Nogent-le-Rotrou, Eure-et-Loir – 13 December 1931) was a French social psychologist, sociologist, and amateur physicist. He was the author of several works in which he expounded theories of national traits, racial superiority, herd behavior and crowd psychology.

His work on crowd psychology became important during the first half of the twentieth century when it was used by media researchers such as Hadley Cantril and Herbert Blumer to describe the reactions of subordinate groups to media.
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Le Bon's Influence : Le Bon was one of the great popularizers of theories of the unconscious at a critical time during the formation of new theories of social action. Wilfred Trotter, a famous surgeon of University College Hospital, London, wrote similarly in his famous book Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, just before the beginning of World War I; he has been referred to as 'Le Bon's popularizer in English.' Trotter also introduced Wilfred Bion, who worked for him at the hospital, to Sigmund Freud's work Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse (1921; English translation Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 1922), which was based quite explicitly on a critique of Le Bon's work. Ultimately both Bion and Ernest Jones became interested in what would later be called group psychology. Both of these men became associated with Freud when he fled Austria soon after the Anschluss. Both men were closely associated with the Tavistock Institute as important researchers of the topic of group dynamics. It is arguable that the fascist theories of leadership that emerged during the 1920s owed much to Le Bon's theories of crowd psychology. Indeed, Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf drew largely on the propaganda techniques proposed in Le Bon's 1895 book.[2][3][4][5] In addition, Benito Mussolini made a careful study of Le Bon's crowd psychology book, apparently keeping the book by his bedside.[6] Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, was influenced by Le Bon and Trotter. In his famous book Propaganda he declared that a major feature of democracy was the manipulation of the mass mind by media and advertising. - Wiki

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Interesting - this was one writer which came up on a History of Fascism course. I think Hitler read it ... this chap Le Bon, if I remember correctly, viewed the 'masses' ie 'the crowd' as some sort of crazed rabble which needed strict controls to keep 'em from rioting etc.. there's still that fear of the crowd. For sure an angry crowd has great power. Contrast that with Martin Luther King's assertion that 'a riot is the language of the unheard'. Tis wise to listen to your electorate; they will take so much... but when our limit has been reached, watch out, biullies in power!

Oh, I didn't see your comment, glad it kind of followed suit :)

Certainly Hitler was a Grand Master of wartime propaganda.

I guess humanity has always been a victim to manipulative propaganda. Maybe thats how the masses are hard-wired. The propaganda techiques of today are probaly far more sophisticated than ever in my opinion.

Yes. It's so sophisticated as to be subliminal, which ought to be against the law. But governments are well aware of its power so would not do this voluntarily simply because it's the means by which they retain their power and control.

In fact, I read a long time ago that pictorial subliminal advertising was outlawed when it was found that cinema audiences subjected to micro-second images of a cola bottle went and bought it en masse, so to speak. Who knows how many films/news footage/political footage have been doctored in this way? One could become justifiably suspicious and random checks ought to be made by an independent body perhaps aligned to an Agency with worldwide power to set and regulate Advertising Standards. The potential for abuse online is mammoth.

Terri Shepherd : I am actually surprised there was time when they even considered outlawing advertsing. How clear was the thinking at the time when they could actually sense the difference and its impact. Alas...advertising, media manipulation and propaganda is so pervasive in its influence today...that I would only expect mankind to forever remain under its clutches. There is simply no way out... Something like Hotel California by Eagles... "Last thing I remember, I was Running for the door I had to find the passage back To the place I was before ’relax,’ said the night man, We are programmed to receive. You can checkout any time you like, But you can never leave! ...

I've written a letter to the Advertising Standards Agency in the UK to see whether there is any monitoring for subversive subliminal advertising in films, TV and online. They'll no doubt write me off as suffering from severe paranoia :(

It is heartening to find someone on this forum...who feels equally concerned about this insidious trend ! : )

no wonder after eating a brand of cheese made by a brand called "Le Bon " I felt a bit different --as if I had been manipulated in buying a product that was so lousy

Hey this has been around since Shakespearan times. In his re-created globe theatre men were made to sit at pre-decided places among the audience who'd clap at just the opportune time and even giggle or moan to keep the audience engaged.Prompting your audience and getting them in the mood has been a ploy sucessfully used since long. The distribution or even air droppping of pamphets was done in the second WW.The electronic media of course took this propoganda machine to dizzying heights.It is always easier to unite people against something than for a just cause, something the master manipulators and propagandists knew only too well. I agree advertising propaganda in the name of "your right to choose ?" There ought to be controls against telling the un-truths in the name of freedom of speech"