Posted on: 23 May 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Shivaji and his times
By Jadunath Sarkar
Published by Longmans Green & Co., London - 1920

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Thank you RBSI!!

a great treasure. thanks rbsi for this

thanks !

Amazing and absolutely wonderful to see this!

@Paresh Terse- What Aurangzeb thought about Shivaji,Aurangzeb was feeling tormented and the thought of Shivaji and his great escape from Agra was constantly bothering him till the end of his life and what can be a greater proof of that than Aurangzeb mentioning Shivaji by name in his last will and testament.The exact quote in J.Sarkar's book is"The main pillar of government is to be well informed in the news of the kingdom. Negligence for a single moment becomes the cause of disgrace for long years. The escape of the wretch Shiva took place through [my] carelessness, and I have to labour hard [against the Marathas] to the end of my life, [as the result of it]." Greatness of Shivaji is not only in what he achieved during his life time but the concept of" Swaraj" of freedom and justice which he instilled amongst common people of his kingdom.These ordinary people raised to the occasion and fought the great army of Mughals under Aurangzeb's personal command for 27 long years.Their mode of warfare was "Ganimi Kawa".They continued the war against all odds even when there King Sambhaji was brutally murdered by Aurangzeb.They fought in spite Rajaram (Shivaji's second son) being trapped in the fort of Jingee more than 1000 miles away from Maharashtra for nearly 5-7 years.This was the time when ordinary soldiers became feared commanders of maratha army(Santaji,Dhanaji etc.) because of the sense of purpose and desire to accomplish greater good imbibed in them by Chhatrapati Shivaji. This war ended only by the death of Aurangzeb.

@paresh Terse, I recently read a non fiction history book in marathi by Vijay Deshmukh titled "Shakakarte Shivarai" .Its a well researched book published couple of years back .It give detail account of Shivaji's life and times.It also discusses various controversies about Shivaji like his correct birth date etc.If you are interested in reading on Shivaji this book is a must read.

i have read d book. its very good. gives correct n right account of shivaji. though it was very remote possibility of shivaji propagating d idea of SWARAJYA in d mind n hearts of d ppl from very begining. it seems n suggested dat d his all efforts were intended towards increasing his own kingdom in d beginning. but his personal character, leadership, magnetism, religious nature, equality towards all religion n sections of ppl, his adventures n early success n growing ppl's faith n sense of security etc mus have contributed towards d idea of swarajya increasing in d ppl. its interesting to know when was first d idea of swarajya came on paper. is such record available? if anybody knowledgeable in this pl share.

Madhav Kusekar : I tend to agree with your perceptive comment.

What do historians have to say about the Afzal khan death?