Posted on: 21 May 2011

Thank you all for making RBSI what it is today !! Its the passion with which so many of you have participated in the discussions over here and shared your rare knowledge and interesting insights with the rest of us…that makes RBSI a fascinating place for people who love history and rare books. So much so that...many of you have cultivated a huge fan following and have become celebrities in your own right. This little experiment has slowly evolved into a community of most interesting and fascinating minds from all walks of life and from all around the world. Its gratifying to hear about so many new friendships and connections being made on RBSI among people who share a common love for rare books, art and history.

I only hope we will make more people realize that "the more we learn about history, the less we will fight for history" !

Plans are now afoot to transfer the posts and discussions on RBSI to an external website (unfortunately, no solution yet for a real-time synchronous facility with FB)…with specific 'key-word searches' to help researchers, history-buffs and students to explore further. What a storehouse of books and prints (close to 2000 of them at last count) and discussions we have created here on so many disparate topics and subjects of India…and they truly deserve to be archived for posterity.

RBSI is grateful to all its active contributors (many of whom I have referred to as 'treasures of RBSI') for sharing their knowledge on this forum and helping us broaden our perspectives on history.

Since the FB Insights indicate that we have around 2800 'daily active users' and about 6800 'monthly active users'….I have come to realize that most of the members are the silent visitors who unobtrusively browse through the contents of the RBSI page without making their presence felt.

I am highly grateful to the regular contributors of RBSI, (and there have been so many through its eventful course) for patiently sharing their views, wisdom, insights, wit, predilection, criticism and irreverence. Thank you - Asad Ahmed, Frank Gardner, Shekar Sathe, Digvijay Singh Kushwaha, Amita Roy, Nick Balmer, Muthuswamy Jayaram, Qamar Rehmani, Pulin Trivedi, Satyakam Sudershan, Raja Chandra, Sumedha Verma Ojha, Pankaj Sapkal, Philippa Waterfield, Vikram Singh, Julian Craig, Gouri Satya, Rohini Chowdhury, Yvonne Hussein Le Fort, Lynne Hadley, Sumer Chauhan, Ranajit Pal, Manish Narang, Akshay Chavan, Tejakar Jha, Ruchika Sharma, Arvind Mallya, Sushil Kumar, Deepak Ingawale, Mahadeva Sarma, Nitin Bhagwat, Arun Simha, Sunny Naradmuni,Nicholas Mathew, Francis Neelam, Paresh Terse, Jefferis Evans D'Angelis…
My apologies to those I might have missed out from this spontaneous list.
And also thanks to all those who frequently leave kind and encouraging comments on the wall.

Finally…lets remind ourselves that "there is more than one truth in history and that to learn history we must learn to unlearn too ! "

Subbiah Yadalam

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Comments from Facebook

Thank you, Subbiah...

i hope you manage to transfer some of the interaction facilities of fb to the new site, while having an email newsletter, too. apart from the great content, the interactions facilities matter to make for good discussions, too...

thanks for RBSI Subbiah....

@Subbiah Yadalam: thanx a lot sir sharing this treasure with us! :)

RBSI I know of folks who have personal blogs with synced up interaction mechanism. Do you want me to put you in touch with them? You will have even greater viewership!!

Satyakam : Absolutely !

Amit Kumar Saxena -- Hi Amit, RBSI is setting up a blog and wishes to have it synced up with FB, much like you have Noisy Indian, kindly consider syncing up so that your expertise can be shared.

Make a website!!

This is one of my favorite pages. Well, I am a silent visitor too...:) but i really enjoy the discussions held over here.....all the best!!

Thank you RBSI. By far the best community I know of. - Silent Visitor :)

Me too a silent visitor till now. Just joined recently. But learning a lot from all you intelligent people. History was a subject I never liked till I discovered RBSI....(thanks to Arvind Mallya). Taking this opportunity to thank you all :)

Mmany thanks Subbiah. Wishing you all the best for the future as well.

earnest wishes! to rbsi and subbaihs' efforts on revealing historical documents. these actions has similarity with !

Subbaih, Great job in creating this superb venue and keeping us engaged.

Subbiah that we are talking of thanks, I can never thank you enough for the way you helped me for my thesis. I could submit my PhD a happy person :) Thanks a ton!

thanyou Mr Subbiah... you and Mr Subbiah Muthiah are Great!!

Good news, I look forward to your new site.

Thank you dear friends...lets keep this experiment going ! We have all realized that one is never too old to learn something new everyday (keeps the neurons buzzing)...and also that sharing is far more satisfying than silence. For all those who feel unhappy with the politically motivated versions of history which are floating around...this is indeed a unique opportunity to present their insights and facts to help bring about a little maturity which is needed when learning about history. Thanks again to Shekar Sathe and Muthuswamy Jayaram for their generosity, interest and ideas to further RBSI's scope and reach.

rbsi has done huge service to millions of people.i have benifited a lot by downloading atreasure trove of books. thanks a million and continue doing it

Thanks, RBSI. Still trying to catch up with your fast paced march of history!

good picture