Posted on: 19 March 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The last of the Peshwas - A tale of the third Maratha War
By Michael Macmillan
Published by Blackie and Son Ltd., London- 1907

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thanks Subbiah, I was just looking for a good book to read over the weekend

Must See Book .....Thank You..guys

One more amazing find, thank you Rare Book Society!

throughly enjoyable.....thankyou RBSI.

I finally finished reading your profile books by Fanny Parkes, fascinating account of her travels in India, I'm now intrigued by the ruins of Gaur Desh (Bengal) which she describes, our ancestors are supposed to have traveled south from there. I have a lot more to read from your fantastic research, I wish I had time and known you a few years back.

Its intresting!!!

Thanks Arvind...but then its never too late ! : )

@ Arvind, Mallayas have a fascinating history....they are saraswat brahmins and originally from around the lost river of saraswati from where they travelled east. Another anecdote is they were the keepers of the palaces and thus the name malhars, which eventually became mallaya. Incidentally i have few mallayas in my family...maternal side.

@ mita and india ,,,the Brahmins had great migrations and movement as they were more cosmopolitan then others... they were not handicapped by local languages as they were using Sanskrit for communication...all of them were connected by common culture and language...

Anup, we have continued on a migration path, spread out all over, from Kashmir, Bengal, Goa, Mangalore to the Americas. Thanks for your comments you are certainly right!