Posted on: 28 February 2011

Digital Book :
The Gandhian Mode of Becoming
By Catalin S. Mamali Ph.D., University of Iowa
Published by Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad - 1998

As a thinker and practioner of politics Machiavelli had a profound influence on European political life. Seeking power through any means was the major principle of his philosophy. As against this Gandhi preached and practiced ethical principles of purity of means for attaining his objectives. One can hardly imagine two completely opposite view points and their paths of life.

The publication highlights the difference and gives an evaluation and estimate of Gandhi in the context of modern time.

Govindbhai Raval
Vice Chancellor
Gujarat Vidyapeeth

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PREFACE Each and everybody in this world is engaged in an exercise of becoming. This leads all to imperatives of a peaceful and non-violent society. Gandhiji was not only a unique person who strived ceaselessly for creation or a non-exploitative society, based on truth and non- violence. He was also a unique phenomenon of this fary as well as contemporary society. Peace is universally desired. It can be achieved through the elimination of impediments to its realization. It is a question of establishing a new society founded on values, culture and a way of life integral to peace & non-violence as irreparable compound in all aspects of personal as well as social life. We are glad to publish the book on the Gandhian Mode of Becoming by Dr. Catalin Mamali, a Scholar, of the University of Iowa. He has made a penetrating study of Mahatma Gandhi's life in all aspects. In this book, he has compared Gandhi with Machiavelli, for deeper understanding of Ahimsa. Mamali, through the book, has produced a distinctive and analytical as well as comparative study of Gandhiji. It is in many ways an unparalleled study. We hope this publication incorporating the ideas and analysis by Dr. Catalin S. Mamali will be welcomed by all social scientists. We thank Dr. Catalin Mamali for entrusting the publication of this very thought provoking critical work of comparative study. We hope this publication will be welcomed by many Scholars. I congratulate our Peace Research Centre for undertaking such an enlightening publication. I also thank Prof. Johan Galtung for advising Mr. C. S. Mamali to send his MSS to us for publications. Ramlal Parikh Chancellor Gujarat Vidapeeth