Posted on: 24 February 2011

Digital Rare Book :
Third Class in Indian Railways
By M.K.Gandhi
Published by Gandhi Publications League, Lahore - 1917

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Can't wait to read this! Thank you.

hw can i read this one online ?

Interesting .

Is he the role model of our corrupted leaders ?

RBSI: You are a genius to put this out on the day of the Railway Budget! Thank you. That Gandhi was a simple man is elegantly demonstrated in his writing whether you agree with him or not. When he returned to India, Gopal Krishna Gokhale advised him that he tours India by rail, class III, if he really wanted to understand India. (See how the British -willy nilly- helped us to understand our own country by building a railway network which should be judged as one of the wonders of the world!) This booklet presents the simple principles Gandhi adopted as the basis for his personal and public life. These principles were: a) Swadeshi - simply defined by him as - sustain on what your vicinity grows/makes first before you go for things distant; b) Religion and ahimsa: Respect for all religions and non-violence as way of life c) Cooperation as the basis of economic activity d) Importance of National Dress e) Speaking and learning in vernacular so as to reach out to the common man. What better place than Indian Railways Class III to see and learn these simple things which helped defeat an empire?

Thank you! I've just started putting my thoughts together for a possible one-month long celebration to commemorate andhonor Bapu. This is very welcome. Please everyone join in this people's effort: like they say, for the people, by the people, of the people...

Sunaina Suneja : Great idea ! Will be glad to offer assistance to your Project.

we are the travellers and way and travelling...

Travelling 2nd class is still the best way to see India and one can undertake this journey a 100 yrs after the apostle of peace did in 1909.

Thanks! all help is welcome. please think how you can help , and let me know!