@RBSI: The same author has written a book called Samkshipta Mahabharata. Can you locate that? Mr. V. Vaidya's main thesis may be contained in this paragraph from this book:
"...the present Mahabharata is,as it were, a redaction of Vyasa's historical poem called"Triumph" edited by Vaishampayana as Bharata, and reprinted or reissued by Sauti, with notes and additions,
and with an introduction and a table of contents prefixed
to it. We shall now pass on to discuss whether these
reputed authors were real beings..."
Read Book Online : http://www.archive.org/stream/mahabharataacrit015691mbp#page/n1/mode/2up
Download pdf Book : http://ia700301.us.archive.org/26/items/mahabharataacrit015691mbp/mahabharataacrit015691mbp.pdf
thank you.
@RBSI: The same author has written a book called Samkshipta Mahabharata. Can you locate that? Mr. V. Vaidya's main thesis may be contained in this paragraph from this book: "...the present Mahabharata is,as it were, a redaction of Vyasa's historical poem called"Triumph" edited by Vaishampayana as Bharata, and reprinted or reissued by Sauti, with notes and additions, and with an introduction and a table of contents prefixed to it. We shall now pass on to discuss whether these reputed authors were real beings..."