Posted on: 10 February 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The Padumawati of Malik Muammad Jais
Translated by G.A.Grierson and Mahamahopadhyaya Sudhakara Dvivedi
Published by The Asiatic Society, Calcutta - 1896

Padmavat (Hindi: पद्मावत) (or Padmawat) is an epic poem written In 1540 by Malik Muhammad Jayasi In the Awadhi language. It is the first important work in Awadhi language.

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बोलहु सुआ पियारे-नाहाँ । मोरे रूप कोइ जग माहाँ ?
सुमिरि रूप पदमावति केरा । हँसा सुआ, रानी मुख हेरा ॥
"Who is more beautiful, I or Padmavati?,
Queen Nagamati asks to her new parrot, and it gives a displeasing reply…";

An illustrated manuscript of Padmavat, c1750

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This epic poem is a fictionalized version of the historic siege of Chittor by Alauddin Khilji In 1303 AD, who attacks Chittor after hearing of the beauty of queen Rani Padmini, the wife of King Rawal Ratan Singh.[1] According to Jaisi, Chitor stood for body, Raja for mind, Ceylon for heart, Padmini for wisdom and Alauddin for lust. तन चितउर, मन राजा कीन्हा । हिय सिंघल, बुधि पदमिनि चीन्हा ॥ गुरू सुआ जेइ पंथ देखावा । बिनु गुरु जगत को निरगुन पावा ?॥ नागमती यह दुनिया-धंधा । बाँचा सोइ न एहि चित बंधा ॥ राघव दूत सोई सैतानू । माया अलाउदीं सुलतानू ॥ प्रेम-कथा एहि भाँति बिचारहु । बूझि लेहु जौ बूझै पारहु ॥ Jaisi imagined Padmavat As the world and the ruler As desire. The whole story was built around this figment of imagination. Some part of the work is dedicated to Sher Shah (1486 – 1545), e.g.: सेरसाहि देहली-सुलतान । चारिउ खंड तपै जस भानू ॥ ओही छाज छात औ पाटा । सब राजै भुइँ धरा लिलाटा ॥ तह लगि राज खडग करि लीन्हा । इसकंदर जुलकरन जो कीन्हा ॥ हाथ सुलेमाँ केरि अँगूठी । जग कहँ दान दीन्ह भरि मूठी ॥ औ अति गरू भूमिपति भारी । टेक भूमि सब सिहिट सँभारी ॥ दीन्ह असीस मुहम्मद, करहु जुगहि जुग राज । बादसाह तुम जगत के जग तुम्हार मुहताज ॥13॥ - Wiki

Padmâvatî is an opera in two acts by the French composer Albert Roussel. The libretto, by Louis Laloy, is based on Théodore-Marie Pavie's La légende de Padmanî, reine de Tchitor, which retells the legend recounted in Malik Muhammad Jayasi's poem Padmavat (1540). It was first performed at the Paris Opéra on June 1, 1923. Roussel styled the work an opéra-ballet and there are many dance numbers and opportunities for spectacle. The composer was inspired by his visit to the ruined city of Chittor in Rajastan and he incorporated many features of Indian music into the score. More at :âvatî

Albert Roussel's Opera in French - Padmavati : Act I - Act II (1/3) - Act II (2/3) - Act II (3/3) - Philippe Do sings the Brahmin's aria from Roussel's Padmavati -

Beautiful,sadly India lacks highly in such great theatrical spectacle.

Jayasi was a great poet, but, except what I read about him in my text books back in Fiftees, I have not been able to find anything. This book should fill the gap partly........

Padmavati is a wonderful work of Malik Mohd. Jayasi, Amrit Lal Nagar says that Tulsidas ji took inspiration from Jayasi's to work in local dialect and in Chopai n doha to reach and keep it understandable for local people.

Thank you RBSI!!! Malik Muhammad Jaisi! Amazing!