Posted on: 9 February 2011

Digital Rare Book :
The History of Hydur Naik - Otherwise styled Shums ul Moolk, Ameer ud Dowla, Nawaub Hydur Ali Khan Bahadoor, Hydur Jung; Nawaub of the Karnatic Balaghaut.
Written by Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani
Translated from an original Persian manuscript in the library of Her Most Gracious Majesty By Colonel W.Miles
Pubished by W.H.Allen & Co., London- 1842

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I've got a student who's going to Bangalore for uni. Alas, in 12 years of Islamic education, he had never been introduced to the history of the Karnatic.

Surely he will be in for a culture shock..

He's a good kid, president of his graduating class and all that. I gave him some tips... Though most of my foreign-educated coworkers say that the hardest part is not having access to good ol' Thai cooking! (One math teacher I'm friends with got together with the other Thai students at her school in Kuwait and cooked up a /huge/ vat of tom yam. The Arab students couldn't believe their noses.)