Posted on: 27 January 2011

Digital Rare Book :
With the Indians in France
By General Sir James Wilcocks
Published by Constable & Co., London - 1920

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I always wanted to know about Indian soldiers in WW I and WWII, not much has been published and their contribution to the war effort. This book I will be reading soon. Thanks RBSI!

There are two books I have in my parent's library, one is Armies of the Raj (Can't recall the author) and the other is A Matter of Honour by Philip Mason. Not enough is published or presented on India's major contribution to the World Wars.

Thanks Sumer, I will search the web.

There were a couple of things on TV here in the UK around Remembrance Day time paying tribute to Indian servicemen. In WW1 men in the UK and other "Empire" countries were quick to join up, but of course were not trained - without the prompt arrival of the highly trained Indian army it would have been all over by Christmas, and not in a good way.

One of the best books on the Indian Army is A J Barker's "The Neglected War", Mesoptamia 1914-1918. It was published over 30 years ago, but is still in second hand shops.