Posted on: 29 November 2010

Digital Rare Book :
Chandragupta Maurya
By Purushottam Lal Bhargava
Published by Upper India Publishing House, Lucknow - 1935.

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a very critical write up is to be found in the :"The Imperial Gazetteer of India--The Indian Empire- Vol 11-Historical --1909"

I really don't know how you do it!! But you are doing a great job.

Kanu - is there an online link to the Gazetteer?

Treasure troves. Only the historians will have the wherewithal to plumb the depths, find the clues and unravel them. The other day a very young friend of thirteen told me she wanted to become a forensic expert. I think I can suggest history to her instead.

Thanks Amita!! You are absolutely amazing!

@Alladi and Rohini---Im fortunate to have an excellent library of some very old books and maps-of my g g father--g father-father all in pretty good condition--so it comes in very handy to reference some topic quite easily @Amita--thanks-for helping out Rohini

What you want to show.......write somthing about this picture.

This picture is an artistic representation of Chandragupta Maurya.

thanks for responce